遠い声 遠い部屋 / Other voices Other rooms 2004
前作、”a new path to the waterfall(滝への新しい小径)”で、滝の周辺を撮影した写真の背後に、そこに向かう人々の物語を陽炎のように立ち上げてみせた八田ですが、今回の作品では、物語の気配がより前面に、より強く出されています。けれども、実際には彼の作品は、それぞれ個別に脈絡なく撮影されたものばかりです。なかには、写真学校在学中に撮影されたものも混じっています。展示のたびに過去のイメージを再収集し、再構成する、ウォルフガング・ティルマンズにも通じるスタイルで組み上げられたシークエンスが立ち上げる架空の物語。イメージは、それ自体としてあるだけでなく、その前後に架空のコンテキストを立ち上げる力を持っている。八田の作品は、そうしたイメージの知られざる側面に触れようとするものなのかもしれません。
杉田 敦(批評家) art&river bank 展覧会テキストより
Masaharu Hatta’s new work with the same title as Truman Capote’s debut novel is wrapped by
the strange sign as same as the previous work.Superficially,his sequence which consists of
portraits, landscapes and snapshots are recognizedas disorderly. Although it is very strange,
in this disorder, we will recognize the story like mysteries.
We can recognize portraits as the characters of the tale, his snapshots as the spot which hid the
trace of the incident, and his landscapes as the land of the tale on the imagination.
In previous work, “a new path to the waterfall”, Hatta built up the story of the people who go to the waterfall behind
his photographs taken around the waterfall. It seemed like a heat wave. In his new work, the presence of a tale becomes
more strongly. However, his photographs were taken individually without contexts. Some of them were taken in the era
of the school of photography. Past images are re-collected and re-constituted at every exhibition. Hatta’s sequence which
is constructed by the Wolfgang Tillemans like method, builds up a fictitious tale. The image does not exist only as itself.The image has the potential of building up fictitious contexts, around the image. Hatta’s work may be teaching such
unknown side of images.
In huge flat field in which post-modernism swept away not only a big tale but all tales, various trials which aim to
reproduce tales begin. Eija-Liisa Ahatilla or Ataman Kutlug to reproduce tales by using the mental weak’s tale and the
social weak’s tale as motives ( of course those tales are serious so ). Their works are good example of reproducing tales.
Hatta may try to reproducing tales by different way. Power of generating contexts hidden in images. Hatta’s work teaches
us that such power exists.
art&river bank exhibition text by Athushi Sugita (critic)